Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Readers' Comments on "Star Ideas" for Injustice and the Idea Star Singer 2008: The Katcheri Round Performance of Somdas and the Mockery of Evaluation

Sankholi said... (on April 27, 2009 5:46 AM at blog titled "Asianet Idea Star Singer: Evaluation Intrigues")

Awesome Review. It is happy to see people like u thinking on such aspects of society. Please make a review on the revenue side of the show if possible .


Anonymous said... (April 29, 2009 11:50 PM at blog titled "Asianet Idea Star Singer: Evaluation Intrigues")

Sir, Are you a lecturer? By going through the review, it is felt that you are not at all qualified to be an evaluator. You actually belong to the school of thought run by the education minister 100% marks for all! Your designation, given here suggests that you are a lecturer in the PG dept. of a Govt. College. But there are no separate posts of lecturers for PG courses in Govt. Colleges. If you are an evaluator for PG courses, it is spring time for students. Actually, the celebrity guest gave 03 marks, even though the participant made a mockery of karnatic music!

Dear Friend,

Please note that I did not argue for giving full marks for any body, let alone Mr. Somdas. Nobody can argue that what Somdas performed was not Karnatic Music. It needs to be conceded that he indeed presented at least a very basic performance of Karnatic music. It might not have gone to the heights of the finer details of Karnatic music, true but it was indeed a performance in Karnatic Music. Lastly, I only mentioned that I am a lecturer at a post graduate department.

I am not afraid of critical comments and I respect your freedom to take any stand according to your views.

Santhosh T Varghese


Vijay said... (on April 30, 2009 7:51 AM at blog titled "Asianet Idea Star Singer: Evaluation Intrigues")

Well said sir.
From the two seasons I have noticed that,

1) they will bring 1 person from a poor background and they will highlight his poverty, his poor parents, his moderate background etc to increase the TRP ratings, This will continue this till the penultimate round and then they will suddenly realise that he doesn’t know how to sing & wonder how he got thru this far without knowing anything about singing and they will start giving gyan to the voting public as to how you should use their responsibility properly. (I really pity these guys - Sanni & now Somu, I am sure there will be some guy in the next episode as well in the same genre- Asianet really needs them to mint money & for the TRP)

2) There will be one person with disability - Everything same as above except this person will be shown the door a little early. ( the idea is to give lot of opportunities to didi to shed tears - meaning TRP )

3) The best person always never win ( last time it was the S/E ( poor chap he resigned his job for this drama, this time I thought Rahul was better even though my personal favourite was Prashobh )

4) Judges will always compensate with marks to avoid losing the good singers ( whom they think, doesn’t mean that they are always right in their choice of best singers). You should also see how the anchor asks the celebrity guest first for the marks & the actual judges compensating for any so-called errors in the judgement of the celebrity judge. Most cases you will see one guy being awarded 81 marks & other guy being given 75, even though the person who got 75 must have sung better than the first guy. I guess your SD might explain this :)

5) Lack of transparency - Sometimes they say there is a difference of 50 marks & you will need lakhs & lakhs of SMS to compensate.
I mean why don’t they announce 1 Judge vote = x SMS, and why don’t they announce the # of SMS got by somebody at the end of the elimination

6) Lastly - lack of propriety and lack of all its synonyms - politeness, decorum, modesty, good manners, respectability, decency on the part of (barring a teeny weeny number) almost all the judges & especially the anchor


Anonymous said... (on April 27, 2009 4:41 PM at blog titled "Facts Unmasked")

I agree 100% with your point of view. There is no transparency in selecting the winner. Renjini (the anchor lady )is trying to promote her favourite contestant. you have noticed she was requesting votes for one of the contestant who done a poor performance in one episode. Whatever be their commend Somdas has got talent .so that will help him to reach heights. Anchor lady should do her job only i.e anchoring not giving commends over the performance of the contestants.

Regards one regular viewer one.


Anonymous said... (on May 7, 2009 4:29 PM at blog titled "Facts Unmasked")

Dear Santhosh sir,

You have said absolutely right what was in every genuine viewers mind since the cssical round of Mr.Somadas was aired. It was just clear and fabricated humiliation and indecency shown to a contestant. If Soma Das were in a foreign country, he could sue them for insulting him.(I don't know if this right is practised in India.)Also the anchor lady should not be allowed in a reputed show like this if Asianet gives any value to morality for the least am very ashamed to tell that there was some of her nude pictures posted in Mallu terminal and it shows she is not more than a sex worker. And the grand finale showed that the audience of Thiruvananthapuram gave little support or respect to her. Asianet should open their eyes and be more sensible. And once again I'd like to ask the innocent people of Kerala to wake up and think before sending SMs to your favourites. Better save that money for some in needy.


  1. Through Nammal Thammil programme telecast a few months ago, Mr. Sreekantan Nair clarified that only 20% marks are awarded against SMS and balance 80% is linked to performance only. I would like Asianet to clarify if this criteria is ever followed.

    As far as I have understood, the role of Celebrity Guest is to judge the performer for his/her dressing sense, presentation and overall appearance, though lately I have found many of them commenting on performance. This is probably because many a time Celebrity Guests are competent persons to judge the performances. I do not remember any of the Celebrity Guests having awarded less marks to any other participant than the marks normally awarded by other distinguished judges.

    I have found Mr. Sarath to be highly critical and judging minutely and let us take it to be better for all the performers in general.

    I fully agree with Mr. Santhosh George that Mr. Venugopal always maintains balance. I would like to add the names of Mr. Ouseppachan and Mr. Unnikrishnan to this category. May, it is their capacity to maintain balance in spite of the situations.

    As far as the Anchor Lady is concerned, I have found her using negative words in majority of the times and commenting unnecessarily. Performers would have got 75+ marks and still she would comment "Kozhappallya" , not bad . She should know, it is none of her business first to pass any remark on the performances and if at all compelling, she should use always positive words. There is a saying "Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches". We should ask all the performers how difficult it has been to perform.

    You may recall, the Anchor Lady was pleading for more and more marks for Mr. Vivekanandan on the day when he failed in his performance. Mr. Sreekantan Nair had, unfortunately, justified this, in the name of supporting the competitors.

    Now about the Grand Finale. A night before Mr. Vivekanandan and Gayathri were on danger zone. I could not find either of them at least better on the Final day than others and there previous records were not better at all. With all the good comments made particularly by Mr. Sarath about Mr. Somdas, I had thought, Mr. Somnath stood a better chance to get elevated to the Grand Finale.

    I had found Mr. Rahul to be always bettering his performances and he was given 1st Runners Up Award; I had found Mr. Prasobh to be equally competent and probably best in classical; and had found Mr. Jins performing wonderfully. In my opinion, Ist position should have been awarded to any of these 3 wonderful persons (Prasobh/Rahul/Jins) and Vivekanandan and Gayathri should have been in the 6th and 7th place. Mr. Vivekanandan alone had put on a tie for the Grand Finale - did he know earlier that he was going to be declared the Winner!

  2. As a viewer one request to asianet tell Renjini to stop bossing and harassing the contestants.So glad for Sonia eventhough the judges were promoting Gayathri(Why?).We thought she was hollering instead of singing.Also Prasobh,s singing ,his song from the movie kaliyattom is still ringing in our years.

  3. Hi..Santhosh chetta..I don't watch this show much..So can't comment with confidence..But I do agree that whenever I watch I used to find some problems..The somdas one is pretty true..U have done a great analysis here..!!Takecare.

  4. I was going to leave and then I noticed someone saying that "u are not qualified to be an evaluator" and this one has posted it anonymous!! can u believe it? He doesn't have the courage to say who he is...What a kind of a 'qualified' judge to judge other ppl's qualifications!!I wonder what has gone into some ppl. "Your answer to this really made me proud to have u as my brother".Keep it up.

  5. What is mentioned about Ranjini Haridas is absolutely true. She is oversmart. She is partial. Some ,good looking guys i the contest she likes which is evident from her cheapy behaviour. You must see her reaction when they have to be elkeminated. Why no feeling for not so good looking guys. Why Asianet i giving her so much of unnecessary importance. They should defy the role of an anchorer and ask them not to exceed the limit. Sometimes she passes her comments before the socalled judges. Code of conduct should be imposed on this lady. It is rediculous to watch her indecent behaviour with the contestents especially if she feels they are handsome. She may be smart bu this is not the forum to show her cheapy smartness. I do not know when the channel will understand it. Even the judges go by the looks of the contestents. In this Season 4 Manjusha should have been out long back.But they sent Sreelakshmi out rather than this horrible singer. I think they feel Manjsha is beautiful though the fact is that she is okay looking and we are not judging thi=eir looks like a fashion or beauty competition.
